
"An introduction to internet based information engineering using"

The internet is an incredible organisational tool that can have a significant positive impact on the people that start and run organisations (enterprises).

Following is a practical educational course for a modern learning environment.

The course is focused on equipping the learners with practical/authentic skills for information engineering, including:

  • Why structured information is important to an organisaion (enterprise).
  • How they can control/program/use the internet to help themselves (as enterprises) and also help others that run enterprises.
  • Exposure to the information engineering cycle and how it relates to the 4Cs of collaboration, communication, creativity & critical reflection.

The information engineering cycle is a key concept within this course;

Information Engineering and the 4Cs

The course is Google Classrooms enabled and we work with you as professional learning facilitators (teachers) to support you, either by directly engaging with the learners or supporting you support the learners.

Key Learning Outcomes


(Communication & Collaboration)

Listen to understand, using "Ask why?". Learning that sometimes what people believe to be the problem is not always the problem that needs to be solved when you explore deeper with "why?" questions.


(Creativity & Collaboration)

Taking the why and creatively determine what to do and how to do it. Use other peoples and your own critical reflections to shape the best outcome.


(Communication & Collaboration)

Take the what and how and work with people to implement the solution. In this case to engineer and build better information services for the organisation (enterprise).


(Critical Reflection)

Evaluate why it worked and why it didn't and reflect on how you, the process, the people or the product impacted the outcome. Then repeat the cycle by listening again with deeper understanding of self and others.


Ideal size of the learning group is 12. Ideally they would have shown a previous interest in engineering and/or information technology.

As outlined in the lesson plan below it would take (as a minimum) a total of seven 40min sessions.

# Topic Session Duration Minimum Duraration to Next Session
1 Listening 40min Immediately
2 Preparation 80min 7 days
3 Interpreting 40min 2 days
4 Interpreting 40min 2 days
5 Reviewing 40min -

All participants will be provided with access to (the information services creation tool) at no cost.

If you are interested in finding out more, please contact us @

Summary of Learning Sessions & Topics

Listening, 40min

Introduction to the problem based course and a role play covering a common issue for any organisation; the tracking of projects.

A key out come of this session is an understanding on how you can get to the bottom of a problem using enquiry and also how people need to first describe what they think is the problem before you can find out more about why they are having the problem.

The role play covers a simple interaction between an information engineer and a enterprise owner;

  • What is the problem? "I've lost track of my projects".
  • Who does it impact? "Everyone".
  • Why do you need to track the projects?
  • Why do you think it is not work now?

Preparation, 80min

Understanding as a tool for creating organisational information services.

Students to complete a self-driven quick start excercise to understand mydigitalstructure.

mydigitalstructure Quick Start

Interpreting, 40min

This session guides the learner through creating a simple diagram of what the solution will be and linking back to the why?.

The diagram is created using Google Slides.

Implementing, 80min

Creating using

mydigitalstructure Console

Reviewing, 80min

Group reflection on the organisational outcomes - ie the created webapps. Reflection on the course. Reflection on self.

Learning Facilator Support & Resources


Engineering is much more about understanding people than might be expected. As it is people that hold the cognitive evaluations of the current products & processes and what might be done differently. But with that comes of the natural human interpretations of how it occurs to them.

A key skill of an engineer in the listening phase is move to "why" rather than "what" to mitigate the "how it occurs" to the speaker. Resulting in the interpretation stage of the engineering cycle working with the best information possible.

The lesson uses a role play to help the students work through the process with the holder of the information.

Without a clear understanding of why an organisation does something, the likelihood of what is created succeeding within the organisation is significantly reduced.

Paricipants to pair up and work through the following role play asking the following questions and responding based on if it is a what question or why question.


  • What is the problem?
  • Who does it impact?
  • Why do you need to track the projects?
  • Why do you think it is not work now?

Answers BEFORE why question

  • I keep losing track
  • I need
  • What I want is

Answers AFTER why questions

  • With a shared understanding of where a project is up to I can better plan
  • I can get on the front foot with customers and increase service
  • I won't feel as stressed


This lesson is designed to use the mydigitalstructure quick start guide and associated guides on form and function acting as an introduction to HTML, CSS & Javascript.


Interpretation of why and creating the what. A key part of lesson one was an understanding that humans interpret things as they occur to them and this equal applies to the engineer themselves. Asking questions "am I seeing this as I would use it or the user will". Empathy. Journal thoughts during interpretation & interpretation.

Task 3.1, Journal;

  • When
  • What
  • Reflection (on my learning)

Task 3.2, Interpretation;

LISTENING; Answers AFTER why questions Interpretation
With a shared understanding of where a project is up to I can better plan Shared; all key stakeholders must have access to the information in a way that best suits them.
I can get on the front foot with customers and increase service Front foot with customers; out meeting people
I won't feel as stressed The information system must reduce stress and its self not increase it - this is about better human outcomes

Task 3.3, Taking interpretations into consideration;

Shared; all key stakeholders must have access to the information in a way that best suits them. One single list of projects with a % complete - accessible by admin, operations, sales & management.
Front foot with customers; out meeting people. Share with % updates with customers.
The information system must reduce stress and its self not increase it - this is about better human outcomes. Fully managed and fully hosted using the inherent value in the internet.


Task 4.1;

One single list of projects with a % complete - accessible by admin, operations, sales & management. mydigitalstructure Projects with 3 user interfaces; "admin", "operations" & "sales & management". This can be split into 3 different tasks for 3 people doing the course.
Share with % updates with customers. -
Fully managed and fully hosted using the inherent value in the internet. For this we are using mydigitalstructure.

Using the Quick Start webapp created in lesson 2 (Preparation); The quick start webapp created in lesson 2 contains example Contacts and Actions user interfaces; in this lesson we are going to implement a Projects user interface in the same style to capture a project's percentage complete.

Task 4.2;

1 Add to navigation - font awsome
2 Edit layout page (Form) adding Projects navigation as copy of Actions changing the icon.
3 Edit app page - add div id="project-dashboard" as a copy of div id="action-dashboard". (Form) Edit to change to description and percentage complete
4 Create [site].app.project-1.0.0.js as a copy of (Function)
5 Edit to; General change references to "contact" to "project", starting with "contact-dashboard" to "project-dashboard" Call mydigitalstructure projects endpoint with a search on description Change contact-edit to show and save the description and percentage complete and match HTML element ids created in step 3. And retrieve description and percentage complete
6 Go back to layout page and add a reference to your file, similar to actions-1.0.0.js
7 As per lesson 2, use Google Chrome with Dev Tools open and local cache disabled; refresh the webpage/app.
8 Check the Dev Tools > Console to see if there are any errors.


In this lesson we are looking at critical reflection leading to an understanding of self and others. Focusing on observations of effort & achievement by the learning facilitator and the learner and the learning group as forms of critical reflection.

Group reflection on the information outcomes;

  • Does the group believe what they achieved will reduce the stress of the business owner and other stated or interpreted reasons why.

Reflection on the course;

  • Did it challenge
  • Dig it go far enough
  • [Google classroom feed]

Reflection on self;

  • Use journal to summarise own effort and achievement
  • Do they believe what they achieved will reduce the stress of the business owner and other stated or interpreted reasons why.

Submit using Google Classrooms.

Enagaging with participants

Be part of a new way ...

Ubiquitously available information infrastructure (the internet) has created new ways of living and working - with the right mindset and tools you can now base your live on a work-style that creates freedom for you.

This learning opportunity focuses on the fundamentals of information engineering and how you can use it to create better outcomes for you and others - creating the value which you will be paid for.

Live and work anywhere, you just need a connection to the internet and a laptop, an open mind set and some structured thinking (this course).

What will you learn;

  • A fundamental cycle of improving ... applied to information engineering but the basis of all engineering.
  • How to use an internet based information service - mydigitalstructure
  • The importance of reflection
